Green Parrot Systems Ltd

About GPSL

We are a tiny company but are part of a grape-vine of people, so if we cannot, we probably know who can.
We don't do production mechanical design, but know who might be able to.
We don't manufacture, but we can arrange this, including purchasing.

Our primary work is to do with the design of small electronic products. These often include intelligence: embedded systems.

Maybe you have an idea that needs bringing to market, or perhaps need an existing product enhanced, debugged, or cost reduced. Talk to us because advice is free.

As a philosophy we believe that happy clients will return. That means doing a good job at a fair price.

  (Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, as amended Dec 2006)

Green Parrot Systems Ltd, Reg. No. 3835112, England & Wales.
Registered Office: Griffins Court, 24-32 London Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1JX, UK.

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